Professional Growth Plan

This document is based from the Washington State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction professional growth plan for the Professional Certification of teachers.  It is intended for current teachers who have assessed current student learning and performance, and determined a plan of action in order to work towards meeting all standard areas.  This document is directed toward student learning.  Following is a plan that I have developed as a teacher intern, including goals that I will strive for as I begin my teaching practice.


Professional Certificate

Professional Growth Plan


Use this form in conjunction with the 3 standards and 12 criteria

Name: Kaylan Duthie

Building and Assignment: Canyon Park Junior High

Standard/Criterion: 1)  The knowledge and skills for effective teaching which ensures student learning by:  d)integrating technology into instruction and assessment

Step 1 - Needs Assessment and Goal Selection

A. Professional Growth Area of Focus

Your self-assessment using the Descriptions of Practice, discussions with your Professional Growth Team, and the review of school/district plans will provide guidance on a specific area for growth within the selected criterion.

My area of focus is based on the first professional development standard, and criterion ‘e’ as stated above.  I will be focusing on integrating available technology into the classroom to increase student interest in activities and learning, and increase and enhance student learning and classroom growth through the use of the technologies (sampling probes/tools, document cameras, activboards, activvotes, computer labs, laptop carts, webquests, graphing programs, etc.)

B. Rationale

What will your students be able to do as a result of your professional growth that they are not now able to do?

As a result of my professional growth throughout my first few years of teaching, and working towards integrating technology into the classroom, students will be able to adapt to new technology, identify the appropriate technology for a specific purpose, and critically use available technologies.

Step 2 - New Learning

Based on your rationale, what new skills and knowledge (grounded in research) will you need to build your capacity in this area? Be Specific.

  • I will need to learn about the available sampling probes/instruments through the district, as well as the ones that are available for free loans through places like Texas Instruments, and Washington State University
  • I will need to develop objective based lessons that seamlessly integrate the technology into the classroom
  • I will need to develop skills in using and integrating the ActivInspire technology into classroom lessons and activities.
  • I will need to find developmentally appropriate web quests and activities that integrate into the curriculum and district/school objectives.
  • I will need to develop skills in teaching computer graphing and data analysis to students.

Step 3 - Professional Growth Action Plan

What specific growth activities will you engage in to obtain the identified new learning?


Target date

resources needed

Familiarization with available sampling equipment

Few weeks into school

Sampling equipment, manuals, internet

Professional development seminars on district technology

As available

District seminar availability and funding

Developing technology integrated lessons

Throughout school year

Lesson samples, teacher collaboration

Search for webquests and web activities

Throughout school year

Internet, teacher collaboration, educational site reviews







Step 4 - Evidence Proposed

What evidence might you gather to demonstrate the impact of your professional growth on student learning as stated in Step 1?

  • Later in year, provide students with new pieces of equipment, and see if they can figure out how to use them without the direct instruction that will likely be needed at the beginning of the year
  • Ask students to critique a website, and explain whether they think it is a strong resource or not, including reasoning.
  • Ask the students to perform analysis on a set of data using tools that they have learned about
  • Provide the students with a question and a sample, and have them develop an experiment using the sampling equipment available, and analyze the data

Step 5 - Collaboration with the Professional Growth Team

arrange to consult with your Professional Growth Team and share your plan. Make revisions to your plan based on feedback.

Approval of plan (team Members)


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The next steps will be completed toward the end of your professional certification program and used in your final portfolio and presentation – but should be considered as you work on achieving your professional growth plans. (See below:)


Step 6 – Evidence Presented Upon Completion

Briefly describe the actual evidence of impact on student learning. If the description and evidence is located in an Entry in your portfolio, please reference its location here.  You do need to rewrite your description here.


Step 7 - Reflection/Implications

Focus Question: As you reflect on your progress in this area of focus, what are some next steps that might guide future learning? This section may also be reflected in your Portfolio and simply referred to here.












Completion of Plan


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University Representative